"Serwis Slate przyjrzał się dokładnie technologii rozpoznawania mowy, nad którą pracuje Google. Okazuje się, że do tej pory właściwie nie można było mówić o skutecznym rozpoznawaniu ludzkiego głosu, jednak gigant z Mountain View skompletował już niemal wszystko, co jest do tego niezbędne. [...]"
- di.com.pl
google.com, pub-0177550132004975, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
13 kwi 2011
2 kwi 2011
Oferta pracy na AGH dla programisty
Zespół Przetwarzania Sygnałów w Katedrze Elektroniki poszukuje kandydata do pracy na stanowisku programisty w wymiarze około 10 godzin tygodniowo, rozliczanej w formie umów o dzieło. Preferowani będą studenci ostatnich lat kierunku Informatyka lub pokrewnych, mogący wykazać się umiejętnościami i wiedzą w następujących dziedzinach (lub części z nich):
• programowanie: C++, .NET(Visual C++, C#),
• programowanie w językach skryptowych (np: Python, Ruby),
• znajomość baz danych SQL (szczególnie MySQL, MS SQL),
• programowanie interfejsów użytkownika w środowisku Windows (np: Windows Presentation Foundation, Windows Forms, Qt)
Pomoc w programowaniu systemu w dziedzinie rozpoznawania zarówno mowy polskiej jak i mówców, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem integracji z istniejącymi systemami zarządzania danymi i przygotowywania aplikacji dla użytkowników końcowych korzystając z gotowych rozwiązań, zrealizowanych głównie w języku .NET.
Praca dostępna od zaraz.
Istnieje możliwość potraktowania wspomnianych realizacji jako projektu inżynierskiego lub pracy magisterskiej.
Kandydaci proszeni są o przesyłanie CV i listy ocen ze studiów na adres bziolko na serwerze agh.edu.pl.
• programowanie: C++, .NET(Visual C++, C#),
• programowanie w językach skryptowych (np: Python, Ruby),
• znajomość baz danych SQL (szczególnie MySQL, MS SQL),
• programowanie interfejsów użytkownika w środowisku Windows (np: Windows Presentation Foundation, Windows Forms, Qt)
Pomoc w programowaniu systemu w dziedzinie rozpoznawania zarówno mowy polskiej jak i mówców, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem integracji z istniejącymi systemami zarządzania danymi i przygotowywania aplikacji dla użytkowników końcowych korzystając z gotowych rozwiązań, zrealizowanych głównie w języku .NET.
Praca dostępna od zaraz.
Istnieje możliwość potraktowania wspomnianych realizacji jako projektu inżynierskiego lub pracy magisterskiej.
Kandydaci proszeni są o przesyłanie CV i listy ocen ze studiów na adres bziolko na serwerze agh.edu.pl.
3 mar 2011
Nasz artykuł "Semisupervised production of speech corpora using existing recordings" opisujący niedawno powstałe narzędzie programistyczne do szybkiego robienia profesjonalnych korpusów mowy, wraz z pierwszym utworzonym przy jego wykorzystaniu korpusem, został przyjęty do prezentacji na konferencji International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP'11) .
12 lut 2011
Sztuczna ręka sterowana myślami
"[...] Mechaniczna ręka powstała na zlecenie amerykańskiej Agencji Zaawansowanych Obronnych Projektów Badawczych - DARPA. [...] Mechaniczna kończyna potrafi się obracać, zginać i skręcać na 27 różnych sposobów. Posiada ona zdolności chwytne i nie powinna uszkodzić nawet kruchych przedmiotów. Kieruje się nią po wszczepieniu do mózgu mikroczipu monitorującego aktywność neuronów i przetwarzającego ją na sygnały rozumiane przez protezę. [...]"- Krzysztof Pielesiek, gazeta.pl
4 lut 2011
27 sty 2011
Czy jest praca dla absolwentów AGH?
W skrócie - odpowiedź ma cztery litery J E S T.
Szczegóły przeprowadzonego badania na PAP.
Szczegóły przeprowadzonego badania na PAP.
24 sty 2011
Oferta pracy w Portugalii
2 EARLY STAGE RESEARCHER POSITIONS - Marie Curie Initial Training Network -
“An Early Stage Training Network in Enabling Technologies for GREEN Radio"
Two Early Stage Researcher (ESR) positions are available at the 4TELL Team
of the Aveiro Pole of the Instituto de Telecomunicações, Portugal. These
Positions are funded by the European Commission under the Marie Curie
Initial Training Network Programme (project GREENET).
We address (pre-PhD) researchers with an MSc aiming at significantly
improving their career perspectives from both the PUBLIC and PRIVATE sector.
The duration of the appointment is 3 years with a possibility of extension
funded from other sources. Applicants may also request to be considered as
candidates for PhD programs.
Research Topic:
IT_1 Profile
ESR candidates are expected to have good knowledge in the following areas:
* Modelling/simulation tools: such as NS-2, NS-3, OMNET, Matlab,
* Trafic modelling: Markov Chains, Game Theory, Queuing Theory,
Information Theory, and Probability Theory.
Not mandatory, but preference will be given to ESR candidates with:
* Strong mathematical background;
* Knowledge in network coding paradigm;
* Knowledge/experience in the design of short-range cooperative MAC
protocols for wireless networks (including relay selection algorithms and
relaying strategies e.g., amplify and forward, decode and forward, and
compress and forward).
IT_2 Profile
ESR candidates are expected to have good knowledge in the following areas:
* Network security: Authentication protocols and methods, cryptography
algorithms, key management solutions
Not mandatory, but preference will be given to ESR candidates with:
* Good mathematical background;
* Knowledge/experience in 802.21 protocol;
* Knowledge/experience with green (power efficient) technologies;
ESR candidates (IT1 and IT2) must also be capable of:
* Co-supervision Master students;
* Conduct top-notch research and to pursue research excellence at the
national, European, and international levels;
* Perform cooperative research in collaboration with other researchers
from industry and academia in a well established Network.Junior or
experienced researchers from both the PUBLIC and PRIVATE sector, with an MSc
in the areas of Computer Science, Mathematics in Computer Science,
Electronics & Electrical Engineering or related areas, are highly encouraged
to apply for these positions.
The recruited ESR will work in close collaboration with the other academic
partners of the project:
* Universidad Polytecnica de Catalunya (Spain)
* The University of Edinburg (United Kingdom)
* University of Trento (Italy)
* NCSR Demokritos (Greece)
* Telecommunications Technological Centre of Catalonia (Spain)
and with the possibility of collaboration with researchers from the
* WEST Aquila (Italy)
* Acticom (Germany)
* EADS (France)
* Innoroute (Germany)
* The recruited researchers should be, at the time of selection, in the
first four years of their research careers (measured from the date when they
obtained the degree which would formally entitle them to embark on a
* Also: ESR should not already have a PhD and they should have the
qualifications to embark on a PhD program.
* ESR should be nationals of a country other than Portugal or, in case
they are Portuguese nationals, they should have legally resided and have had
their principal activities (work, studies, etc.) in a third country for at
least 3 out of the last 4 years,.
* ESR (regardless of their nationalities) must not have resided or
carried out their main activities (work, studies, etc.) in Portugal for more
than 12 months in the last 3 years.
Marie Curie ITNs provide competitive financial support to the ESR including:
* a competitive monthly living and mobility allowance,
* a yearly travel allowance (i.e., a fixed amount of money based upon
the direct distance between the location of origin of the researcher and
Aveiro, Portugal),
* a career exploratory allowance (i.e., a single payment for attending
job interviews, additional courses, job fairs, etc.), and
* coverage of the expenses related to the participation of the ESR in
research and training activities (contribution to research-related costs,
meetings, conference attendance, training actions, etc.).
Informal email enquiries can be made to Dr. Jonathan Rodriguez:
jonathan@av.it.pt. For further information on the Instituto de
Telecomunicações and the 4 TELL team, please visit the following sites:
http://www.it.pt/ and http://www.av.it.pt/4tell.
To apply, please send by email: a cover letter detailing your suitability
for the position in question; detailed CV; and the name and address of two
referees to support your application. All applications should be sent to:
greenet@cttc.es and cbarbosa@av.it.pt.
The closing date for applications is 15th March 2011.
Cláudia Barbosa
Instituto de Telecomunicações – Aveiro
Campus Universitário de Santiago
3810-193 Aveiro
“An Early Stage Training Network in Enabling Technologies for GREEN Radio"
Two Early Stage Researcher (ESR) positions are available at the 4TELL Team
of the Aveiro Pole of the Instituto de Telecomunicações, Portugal. These
Positions are funded by the European Commission under the Marie Curie
Initial Training Network Programme (project GREENET).
We address (pre-PhD) researchers with an MSc aiming at significantly
improving their career perspectives from both the PUBLIC and PRIVATE sector.
The duration of the appointment is 3 years with a possibility of extension
funded from other sources. Applicants may also request to be considered as
candidates for PhD programs.
Research Topic:
IT_1 Profile
ESR candidates are expected to have good knowledge in the following areas:
* Modelling/simulation tools: such as NS-2, NS-3, OMNET, Matlab,
* Trafic modelling: Markov Chains, Game Theory, Queuing Theory,
Information Theory, and Probability Theory.
Not mandatory, but preference will be given to ESR candidates with:
* Strong mathematical background;
* Knowledge in network coding paradigm;
* Knowledge/experience in the design of short-range cooperative MAC
protocols for wireless networks (including relay selection algorithms and
relaying strategies e.g., amplify and forward, decode and forward, and
compress and forward).
IT_2 Profile
ESR candidates are expected to have good knowledge in the following areas:
* Network security: Authentication protocols and methods, cryptography
algorithms, key management solutions
Not mandatory, but preference will be given to ESR candidates with:
* Good mathematical background;
* Knowledge/experience in 802.21 protocol;
* Knowledge/experience with green (power efficient) technologies;
ESR candidates (IT1 and IT2) must also be capable of:
* Co-supervision Master students;
* Conduct top-notch research and to pursue research excellence at the
national, European, and international levels;
* Perform cooperative research in collaboration with other researchers
from industry and academia in a well established Network.Junior or
experienced researchers from both the PUBLIC and PRIVATE sector, with an MSc
in the areas of Computer Science, Mathematics in Computer Science,
Electronics & Electrical Engineering or related areas, are highly encouraged
to apply for these positions.
The recruited ESR will work in close collaboration with the other academic
partners of the project:
* Universidad Polytecnica de Catalunya (Spain)
* The University of Edinburg (United Kingdom)
* University of Trento (Italy)
* NCSR Demokritos (Greece)
* Telecommunications Technological Centre of Catalonia (Spain)
and with the possibility of collaboration with researchers from the
* WEST Aquila (Italy)
* Acticom (Germany)
* EADS (France)
* Innoroute (Germany)
* The recruited researchers should be, at the time of selection, in the
first four years of their research careers (measured from the date when they
obtained the degree which would formally entitle them to embark on a
* Also: ESR should not already have a PhD and they should have the
qualifications to embark on a PhD program.
* ESR should be nationals of a country other than Portugal or, in case
they are Portuguese nationals, they should have legally resided and have had
their principal activities (work, studies, etc.) in a third country for at
least 3 out of the last 4 years,.
* ESR (regardless of their nationalities) must not have resided or
carried out their main activities (work, studies, etc.) in Portugal for more
than 12 months in the last 3 years.
Marie Curie ITNs provide competitive financial support to the ESR including:
* a competitive monthly living and mobility allowance,
* a yearly travel allowance (i.e., a fixed amount of money based upon
the direct distance between the location of origin of the researcher and
Aveiro, Portugal),
* a career exploratory allowance (i.e., a single payment for attending
job interviews, additional courses, job fairs, etc.), and
* coverage of the expenses related to the participation of the ESR in
research and training activities (contribution to research-related costs,
meetings, conference attendance, training actions, etc.).
Informal email enquiries can be made to Dr. Jonathan Rodriguez:
jonathan@av.it.pt. For further information on the Instituto de
Telecomunicações and the 4 TELL team, please visit the following sites:
http://www.it.pt/ and http://www.av.it.pt/4tell.
To apply, please send by email: a cover letter detailing your suitability
for the position in question; detailed CV; and the name and address of two
referees to support your application. All applications should be sent to:
greenet@cttc.es and cbarbosa@av.it.pt.
The closing date for applications is 15th March 2011.
Cláudia Barbosa
Instituto de Telecomunicações – Aveiro
Campus Universitário de Santiago
3810-193 Aveiro
Posty (Atom)