, pub-0177550132004975, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

15 sty 2014

Rozszerzony korpus mowy AGH

Nasz korpus mowy został zwiększony do 18,5 godzin. W efekcie jest jednym z największych korpusów języka polskiego. Całość jest anotowana plikami mlf, w większości na słowa, fragmenty na fonemy, a inne na frazy. W niewielkiej części korpusu są dodatkowo zaznaczone oddechy.

11 sty 2014

Krótki film na w pół serio o alkomatach głosowych. Analiza głosu osób pod wpływem alkoholu była jednym z tematów Interspeech Challenge 2010. Udostępniono wówczas korpus rejestrowany w samochodach. Na konkurs zgłosiło się prawie 10 zespołów z różnymi propozycjami algorytmów.

30 gru 2013

Postdocs and PhD studentships are Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland

Open positions at the Multimedia Research Group (the MUVIS Team, at the Department of Signal Processing, Tampere University of Technology (TUT), Finland


Tampere University of Technology (TUT) is an active scientific community of 2,000 employees and more than 10,000 students. The University operates in the form of a foundation and has a long-standing tradition of collaboration with research institutions and business life. Many of the fields of research and study represented play a key role in addressing global challenges. International collaboration is an inherent part of all the University's activities.

The Department of Signal Processing belongs to the Faculty of Computing and Electrical Engineering. Signal processing has been chosen as one of the top strategic fields of research in TUT and was the host of two Academy of Finland Centers of Excellence. Nearly 200 faculty, staff and researchers work at the Department and nearly half are international.

Job description:
The positions are for scientific research in externally funded projects related to “big” learning in Big Data. The Postdocs are expected to perform independent research, collaborate with team members and supervise PhD and MSc students in addition to project management duties.

Doctoral Students will work toward a dissertation as a member of the research team and they will be supervised by the senior members of the group.

We are looking for creative and highly motivated researchers. Suitable disciplines for all open positions include Signal Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Computer Vision and other related areas. Fluent written and spoken English and solid programming (Matlab/C/C++) skills are required.  Excellent skills in computer vision, machine learning (deep learning and graph theory) and content-based multimedia retrieval is essential. Java and web programing skill is valuable.
Applicants to the postdoc position should have completed (or close to) the PhD degree. Candidates applying for the doctoral student position must hold a MSc degree in a related engineering field and are expected to enroll as a PhD student at TUT.

The salary will be set in accordance with the University Salary System. Starting Doctoral Students receive a monthly salary of 2200 euros and Postdoctoral Researcher 3200 euros.

For more information, contact
Academy Professor Moncef Gabbouj, moncef.gabbouj AT ( )

How to apply:
Applications can be submitted in PDF format by email to moncef.gabbouj AT The positions will remain open until filled. The target starting date is 1 February 2014 (or earlier).

The (preferably single document) application should include the following items:
- Letter of motivation
- CV (including names and contact details of at least two references, one of which is preferably the MSc or PhD thesis supervisor)
- Copy of MSc/PhD degree certificate
- List of publications
- Research abstract

24 gru 2013

Przewidywania 25 lat temu

Dziennik telewizyjny sprzed 25 lat zdumiewająco trafnie przewidział rozwój komputerów, także na temat rozpoznawania mowy:

10 gru 2013

Kolejny ciekawy artykuł ...

Polska wersja Interaction Analayser

"Firma Interactive Intelligence wprowadziła do oferty polską wersję językową aplikacji do analizy mowy w czasie rzeczywistym. Oprogramowanie Interaction Analyser (przeznaczone przede wszystkim dla centrów obsługi klientów, ale również dla średnich i dużych przedsiębiorstw) pozwala centrom obsługi klienta monitorować pracę konsultantów i oceniać nagrania." - Computerworld