"The Department of Information and Computer Science at Aalto University in Espoo/Helsinki, Finland, pursues research on advanced computational methods for modelling, analysing, and solving complex tasks in technology and science. The research aims at the development of fundamental computer science methods for the analysis of large and high-dimensional data sets, and for the modelling and design of complex software, networking and other computational systems.
To promote its ambitious research agenda, the Department is seeking postdoctoral researchers. While the present call focuses on the topics listed below, outstanding candidates in other areas of information and computer science compatible with the Department’s mission are also welcome. Applications should be received at latest on 2 April 2012 for full consideration. The Department may decide to make offers to exceptional candidates already before the end of the call."
Jednym z tematów jest "Speech and language processing" w zespole Dr Mikko Kurimo, mikko.kurimo na serwerze aalto.fi
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