19 cze 2016

Smartfony mają zniknąć za 5 lat ?

... i to głównie przez niechęć do ekranów i zużywanej przez nie energii. Tak wskazuje ankieta przeprowadzona przez Ericssona na 100 00 osób: http://www.cnbc.com/2015/12/09/people-think-the-smartphone-will-be-dead-in-5-years-ericsson.html

15 mar 2016

Google zrobił ASR na RNN offline na smartfonach

Google opublikowało badania z których wynika, że na Nexusie 5 ASR działa w ok. 7x czasu rzeczywistego przy zużyciu łącznie 20 MB pamięci, i w trybie dyktowania (open dictation task) WER pogarsza się jedynie z 11% do 13% w stosunku do wersji online na serwerze. http://research.google.com/pubs/pub44631.html

18 wrz 2015

Telesprzedaż na czele listy zawodów które zostaną całkowicie zautomatyzowane

"BBC, naukowcy z Uniwersytetu Oksfordzkiego i firma Deloitte opracowali listę 365 zawodów i poddali je ocenie, w jakim stopniu są zagrożone ryzykiem automatyzacji i cyfryzacji. Według raportu w Wielkiej Brytanii w ciągu najbliższych dwóch dekad zniknie 35 proc. zawodów.
Największe ryzyko utraty pracy dotyczy osób zatrudnionych w telesprzedaży. Szansa na to, że zawód ten zostanie zautomatyzowany w ciągu najbliższych dwóch dekad, wynoszą aż 99 proc."

Więcej w Wyborczej

30 sie 2015

LTC 2015

Już za kilkanaście dni mija termin zgłaszania artykułów na świetnej konferencji w Poznaniu. Poniżej szczegóły - polecam.

The 7th Language and Technology Conference (LTC 2015), November 27-29, 2015, Poznań, Poland

CALL FOR PAPERS – reminder

Dear Colleagues,
We hope that you have already noticed that the 7th LTC is going to be organized this year. We will be happy for your submission to this conference and therefore we permit ourselves to remind you that the deadline for paper submissions has been fixed to September 10, 2015. Submission through EasyChair is already operational.

Some of crucial facts about LTC 2015 follows. Much more at www.ltc.amu.edu.pl.

LANGUAGE: The conference language is English

* Deadline for submission of papers for review:  September 10, 2015
* Acceptance/Rejection notification: October 1, 2015
* Deadline for submission of final versions of accepted papers: October 15, 2015
* Conference: November 27-29, 2015

CONTACT: ltc15@amu.edu.pl or vetulani@amu.edu.pl

The conference accepts papers in English. Papers (5 formatted pages in the conference format) are due by September 10, 2015 (midnight, any time zone) and should not disclose the author(s) in any manner. In order to facilitate submission we have decided to reduce the formatting requirements as much as possible at this stage. Please, have a look at www.ltc.amu.edu.pl (Paper Submission section).

All submissions are to be made electronically via the LTC 2015 web
submission system (EasyChair). Acceptance/rejection notification will be sent by October 1, 2015. The Word template (ELRA/LREC based format) is available from http://www.ltc.amu.edu.pl (see Paper Submission section).

Acceptance will be based on the reviewers' assessments (anonymous submission model). The accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings (hard copy, with ISBN number) and on CD-ROM. The abstracts of the accepted contributions will also be made available via the conference page (during its lifetime). Publication requires full electronic registration and payment of the conference fee (full registration) by at least one co-authors in the due time (dates will be presented soon at the conference site). One registration fee entitles publication of one paper.

A post-conference volume with extended versions of selected papers is planned to be published. As this was the case for the last three conferences, we intend to publish them in the Springer series Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence.

Only electronic registration will be possible. Details will be published at www.ltc.amu.edu.pl.

As at the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Language and Technology Conferences (2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013) special awards will be granted to the best student papers. The  regular or PhD students (on the date of paper submission) are concerned. More details will be provided at www.ltc.amu.edu.pl. 

18 cze 2015


Nasz artykuł "COMPARISON OF LANGUAGE MODELS TRAINED ON WRITTEN TEXTS AND SPEECH TRANSCRIPTS IN THE CONTEXT OF AUTOMATIC SPEECH RECOGNITION" został przyjęty na konferencję FedCSIS. Praca opisuje nasze eksperymenty statystyczne nad różnicami w stosowaniu transkrypcji mowy i innych tekstów do modelowania języka przy rozpoznawaniu mowy.

We investigate whether language models used in automatic speech recognition (ASR) should be trained on speech transcripts rather than on written texts. By calculating log-likelihood statistic for part-of-speech (POS) n-grams, we show that there are significant differences between written texts and speech transcripts. We also test the performance of language models trained on speech transcripts and written texts in ASR and show that using the former results in greater word error reduction rates (WERR), even if the model is trained on much smaller corpora.   For our experiments we used the manually labeled one million subcorpus of the National Corpus of Polish and an HTK acoustic model.
